Teacher available for this subject : Arabic

These are Egyptian hours (24hr format), check the time difference with your country before booking your courses.
Click here (to see what time it is currently in Egypt).
The date mentioned corresponds to the start date of your course.

  For children under 12, please choose a teacher who is labeled "suitable for children"
Remarque : Les professeurs ayant la mention "convient aux enfants", enseignent également aux adultes.

Reminder: For children over 12 years old, the classes are not mixed. Please, enroll boys with male teachers and girls with female teachers.

Some teachers use the camera and others do not. The camera icon is visible next to the names of the teachers who use it.

Salma Alaa
For levels Beginner
  Also suitable for children
 Turn on the camera

Egyptian time (24hr format) 

Starts on

  • Monday 09h45-10h30  09/09/2024
  • Tuesday 08h50-09h35  10/09/2024
  • Tuesday 10h40-11h25  10/09/2024
Wafaa Redouane
For levels Beginner Intermediate
  Also suitable for children
 Turn on the camera

Egyptian time (24hr format) 

Starts on

  • Sunday 11h35-12h20  15/09/2024